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The Sew & Sews

A roving street theatre act where masked performers interact with audiences through mime; featuring 1940s era tailors who mend, modify and meddle so that everyone looks their best. 

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Presented by WTC & One Day Studios.

The Sew and Sews have travelled from the 1940s Fletcher Jones’ factory floor on a quest to straighten hems, cut loose threads, peg ill-fitting clothes and tailor the modern world to perfection. Sewphie Buttons’ magic measuring tape doesn’t count inches, it determines your disposition! Will you be ‘as cute as a button’ or ‘a few stiches short’? Sewphie’s offsider, Fready to Wear, is a rascal – always running with scissors and cutting loose threads from unsuspecting ‘clients’. Armed with his trusty callipers, you never know what he’s going to measure...Plaid Pockets competes the trio and takes this tailoring business seriously; beware the ripped jean bridge - Plaid Pockets has your measure! Together they make the ultimate tailoring team and will be on hand to mend, modify and meddle. 


This mimed roving performance act celebrates local south west Victorian history and features 1940s costumes fashioned from original Fletcher Jones fabric, artist made masks and giant scissors, needles, thread spools, measuring tape and callipers. The Sew & Sews bring out the oversized fun in everyone. 

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